A project for Faenza

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A project for Faenza

On the night between May 16th and 17th, 2023, the area of Romagna in Northern Italy was struck by an extraordinarily intense flooding that caused extensive material and social damage over vast urban and rural areas, causing physical devastation, a widespread sense of fear and danger, and deep concern about the future.

Since the first days after the flooding, the streets of many affected areas have been filled with a swarm of young volunteers from all over Italy who provided help to everyone, equipped with boots and shovels and driven by empathy and a spirit of collective support.

The Faventia 3.0 Committee was born to raise funds for the recovery of sites of public interest and dedicated to the education and wellbeing of young people - such as schools, sports and community centers, museums, and libraries - to grant them the future they deserve. The Committee acts primarily in the city of Faenza.

Faenza, May 17-23, 2023. 1. The Lamone river flooding in the southern area of the city. The water raised up to a few meters. Many citizens were rescued by Fire Brigades and Police with rubber boats. Photo by Michele Lapini. 2. A historical street in the city center of Faenza, Corso Garibaldi was completely flooded. The ground floors of houses, offices, shops, bars, banks and hotels were not accessible, while families were blocked on the first floors. Photo by Michele Lapini. 3. The car entrance of the Ex Salesians complex in Faenza the day after the flooding. Various buildings of the complex, the car park and the soccer field were flooded. Photo by Mattia Cornazzani. 4. A room of the G. Sarti music school in the Ex Salesians complex in Faenza, where the flooding destroyed many music instruments. The level reached by the water is clearly visible on the wall. Photo by Paolo Zinzani. 5. Via Carboni, Faenza. The street is full of debris made by the furniture and goods of the houses. The flooding raised up to 4 meters in this area, pushing some of the residents to the rooftops to take shelter. Photo by Michele Lapini. 6. “The best of youth”. Hundreds of young people from many cities take a rest in Piazza del Popolo, the main square of Faenza, after a day of helping and mud cleaning. In Italy they are called “angels of mud”. Photo by Matteo Piani.

The impact of the tragedy

Businesses, private homes, roads, bridges and car parks, public parks, schools, churches, cultural and artistic sites, cultivated fields, even the international racetrack Enzo and Dino Ferrari in Imola: the flood had devastating effects on a significant part of the Romagna territory, with vast economic sectors on their knees, thousands of people displaced from their homes, thousands of acres of agriculture lost, entire communities isolated. The impact is such that it would be a gamble to try to estimate its overall magnitude today.

The exceptionality of the flooding and its dramatic impact generated significant social and political mobilization - with visits to the territory by various institutional figures such as the President of the European Commission and the President of the Italian Republic - and extensive local, national, and international press coverage, with articles and in-depth reports published e.g. in Time, the New York Times, CNN, the Guardian, le Monde, the World Economic Forum, and various video-reportages with local testimonies (e.g. Newsnet and Rai1).

May 17, 2023. Video produced by a Faenza citizen with a drone and posted on the FB page of Buonsenso Faenza. In the opening scenes, the Ex Salesians complex in downtown Faenza (soccer field, parking lot, various buildings) is filmed completely overrun with water and mud.

The first step of reconstruction

As a priority, the first resources raised will be dedicated to the recovery of the Ex Salesians complex in Faenza, to ensure the timely restart of the activities that characterize it as a civic community center for young people.

Over the past decade, the Ex Salesians complex in downtown Faenza has been regenerated, becoming a catalyst place for the aggregation and education of hundreds of children and young people daily. An important portion of the city history has thus been given new life, with a work of extraordinary value for the local community. Today, the Ex Salesians complex houses two degree programs of the University of Bologna, the University for adults, the G. Sarti music school, the T. Minardi drawing school, the soccer field of the Faventia calcio sports club, a gym, a bar-restaurant, an hamburger restaurant-pub, the social services of the municipality of Faenza, the headquarters of the Banca del Monte Foundation, as well as a number of private businesses and associations offices. A multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary public good.

Due to the flood, a significant part of the spaces are now damaged and unusable. In particular, the music school needs the redoing of floors, damaged walls, doors, heating systems, and also the repurchase of many musical instruments destroyed in the flood. In the music school alone within the Ex Salesians complex, the damage is estimated at around 700,000 euros.

On the basis of the amount of the resources raised, the scope of the financing intervention for the reconstruction and restart will be extendable to target other social and cultural places of public interest and devoted to youth in Faenza and other areas of Romagna.

Collected amount

1.189.422,56 €
Updated to December 31, 2023

The promoters of the committee

The Faventia 3.0 Committee operates in full autonomy and free from any private or political interest. It is established by public act as a nonprofit Committee.

The promoters have chosen the simplest form of aggregation and are personally and jointly responsible for the preservation of the funds collected and their use with respect to the objectives stated in the statute.

The promoters of the Faventia 3.0 Committee rely on their intimate connection with the area and the wider community in order to be as quick, direct and effective as possible in the pursuit of their goals. They believe in and promote the civil values of the Italian constitutional charter and they are committed to operating with the utmost transparency by timely reporting through this website on the amount of funds raised and any use of them.

The Faventia 3.0 Committee is composed by:

Omar Montanari (PRESIDENT)

49, from Faenza, father of three. In 1998 he founded MMB Software, a company of software production for the automotive sector. Always sensitive to collective well-being, he likes being with people and investing in young people. He thinks that in order to feel good about oneself, it is necessary to start with making others feel good. These principles also guide his work as the President of the Banca del Monte Foundation in Faenza, an institution that pursues social purposes and the promotion of the development of the local community.


42, from Faenza, mother of two. She is a freelancer, working with public and private institutions to develop projects, manage spaces and organize events on issues of urban regeneration, social inclusion and youth entrepreneurial training. She is the community manager of the Contamination Lab, a pre-incubator of youth entrepreneurial projects of the Banca del Monte Foundation in Faenza.

Mattia Cornazzani (SECRETARY)

39, from Faenza, father of three. Lawyer with expertise in tax law and sports law. He is a member of the Federal Court of Appeal 2nd Section at the Italian Cycling Federation and contact person of the Italian Sports Lawyers Association for the Emilia-Romagna Region. For the past few years he has been involved in the urban regeneration of the Ex Salesians complex in Faenza, with vicarious functions of administration, coordination and management of the various realities that populate the complex.

Carlo Baseggio

46, from Faenza, father of one. PhD in Public Law. As a lawyer, he works mainly in the public sector (contracts, funding, companies, responsibility) and on environmental right. He published a number of papers in law journals and edited books. He collaborates with the Department of Legal Studies at the University of Bologna.

Luca Cavallari

42, from Faenza, father of two. School principal, he has always been involved in the world of education and training. Since 2020 he has been president of Faventia Sales, a company that aims to develop university settlements, higher education, research and youth promotion in the European context.

Donato D'Antonio

56, from Faenza, father of three. He is a professional musician, dedicated to music education with a focus on projects of social inclusion through innovative teaching methods. He is involved in music organization and artistic direction. He is vice president of Emilia Romagna Festival, tutor of Toscanini Next and educational and artistic coordinator of the G. Sarti music school in the Ex Salesians complex in Faenza.

Roberto Rava

46, from Faenza, father of two. As a lawyer licensed to practice before the Superior and European Courts, he mainly deals with advice and assistance in civil, commercial and corporate law. He is a member of the National Council of A.S.SO. FARM., a trade association of public social and health care companies and services, where he held the positions of national vice president and chairman of the Industrial Relations Commission.

Simone Ravaioli

46, from Faenza, father of two. Born and raised in Romagna and educated in the USA, he bread a Turkish-Italian family, contaminating himself between East and West. He works on the digital transformation of education contributing to the development of a global ecosystem for the recognition of skills to support international mobility. He is Director Global Ecosystem and Innovation for Parchment, a leading private American EdTech company. He holds advisory positions and actively collaborates with international organizations like the European Commission, World Bank, UNESCO, XPrize Foundation. The Ex Salesians complex in Faenza represents the original cradle of his education (Scouts), the incubator of his entrepreneurial passions (Postrivoro) and his current laboratory of contamination and networking.

Marco Solaroli

43, from Faenza, father of two. Associate Professor in the Department of the Arts at the University of Bologna. He studied at the University of Bologna, the University of Milan and the University of Pennsylvania. He was Fulbright research scholar at New York University. He carries out research, teaching and public dissemination on issues of cultural and artistic production and social and technological innovation. He collaborates with the Banca del Monte Foundation in Faenza on cultural planning and the development of local youth creativity.

Video testimonies

12 june 2023. Simone Ravaioli member of the Faventia 3.0 Committee, talks about the importance of the Ex Salesiani space for his identity and professional formation.